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Nội dung chi tiết: libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale


1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finaleht, Nicholas FallonDepartment of Psychological Sciences. University of Liverpool. Liverpool. L69 7ZAUnited KingdomCorresponding author:Andrej Stancak,

PhD.Department of Psychological SciencesUniversity of LiverpoolLiverpool. L69 7ZAUnited KingdomE-mail: +44 151 794695 libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

1Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Dr. Xiaoyun Li for her assistance during data recordings. The authors declare no competing financial interests.2


AbstractThe origin of the conscious experience of pain in the brain is a continuing enigma in neuroscience. To shed light on the brain representation

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finalenalysis of electrophysiological brain responses.Participants were asked to fully focus on any painful or non-painful sensations occurring in their lef

t hand during an interval surrounding the onset of noxious laser heat stimuli, and to rate their sensations using a set of visual analogue scales. Sta libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

tistical parametric mapping was used to compute a multivariate regression analysis of subjective responses and single-trial laser evoked potentials (L


EPs) at subject and group levels. Standardized Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (sLORETA) method was used to reconstruct sources of LEPs.Fact

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finaletive potential at the fronto-temporal region during the 208-260 ms interval, and secondly as a strong negative potential in the right lateral frontal

and prefrontal scalp regions during the 1292-1340 ms interval. Three other factors, labelled "anticipated pain", “stimulus onset time", and “body sens libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

ations”, represented non-specific aspects of the pain experience, and explained portions of LEPs in the latency range from 200 ms to 700 ms.The subjec


tive space of pain during noxious laser stimulation is represented by one large factor featuring pain intensity, and by other factors accounting for n

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finalekhothuvien.cori!31. IntroductionIn contrast to visual, auditor}' or tactile systems, primary conical regions underlying the conscious perception of pa

in remain elusive. The posterior insula and adjacent parietal operculum have been shown to be the only brain regions capable of producing a sensation libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

of pain during electrical stimulation, suggesting their role in the formation of the conscious experience of pain (Mazzola et al., 2012; Ostrowsky et


al., 2002). Patients with lesions in posterior insula (Biemond, 1956; Greenspan et al., 1999) or parietal operculum (Horiuchi et al., 1996) may show h

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finaleg the pain experience (Garcia-Larrea, 2012). Subregions of insula differentiated painful from non-painful sensations in fMRI (Pomares et al., 2013). H

owever, as pain is a multidimensional experience involving specific sensory qualities such as intensity, negative affect, awareness of stimulus occurr libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

ence, spatial and temporal localisation, perceived control over pain (Salomons et al., 2004), prediction error (Roy et al., 2014), and novelty or sali


ency (Downar et al., 2003; lannetti et al., 2008; Mouraux and lannetti, 2009), it is likely that brain regions other than the posterior insula partici

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale experience has long been acknowledged (Melzack and Casey, 1968), brain representations of distinct aspects of pain are poorly understood. Pain intens

ity, the most conspicuous aspect of the pain experience, appears to be encoded in a number of regions including thalamus, insula, primary and secondar libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

y somatosensory cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and other brain regions (Atlas et al., 2014; Coghill et al., 1999; Wager et al., 2013). A novel4mult


ivariate pattern analysis showed that near-threshold painful laser stimuli are differentiated from non-painful stimuli in primary' and secondary' soma

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finaleonses of the brain during laser induced pain, known as laser evoked potentials (LEPs), have been shown to bear a relationship with pain intensity (Fro

t et al., 2007; Hu et al., 2014; lannetti et al., 2005; Le Pera et al., 2007; Stancak et al.. 2012; Wager et al., 2006). Although fractionation of pai libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

n intensity and unpleasantness has been reported under specific conditions such as hypnosis (Rainville et al., 1999) or dopamine precursor depletion (


Tiemann et al., 2014), these two and other pain dimensions are strongly inter-correlated (Holroyd et al., 1992; Turk et al., 1985). The degree and qua

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finalein and brain activity difficult.To shed light on brain representations of pain induced by noxious laser stimuli, statistical parametric mapping of ass

ociations between subjective scales and single-trial LEPs was carried out. Laser intensity was maintained at a constant level over repeated stimuli, s libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

imilar to previous electrophysiological (Schulz et al.. 2011; Schulz et al., 2012) and fMRI studies (Brodersen et al., 2012; Ploner et al., 2010; Wiec


h et al., 2010). Although local differences in the density of nocisensors and small variations in the energy of laser pulses contributed to inter-tria

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finaleuting to the variability of the pain experience.2. Methods and Materials2.1. Subjects and procedurehttps://khothuvien.cori!5Sixteen healthy participan

ts (7 males, 9 females), undergraduate and postgraduate students of psychology and medicine, aged 24.7 ± 4.1 years (mean ± SD) took part in the study libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

after giving their written informed consent according to the Declaration of Helsinki. The procedures were approved by the University of Liverpool rese


arch ethics committee. Participants received £15 to compensate for their time and travel expenses.Subjects were informed about the purpose of the expe

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finaleevery single sensation preceding or following a laser stimulus. Subjects were told that, regardless of the identical intensity of the laser stimuli, t

heir sensations were likely to vary across 60 trials.Laser stimuli were applied using an Nd-YAP laser stimulator (Stiml324, El.En., Italy). The pulse libretto_acesap_zugna_19-20_maggio_finale

duration was 4 ms, and the spot size was 5 mm. The intensity of the laser stimulus was adjusted for each subject individually prior to the first block


by incrementing the stimulus intensity from 1.25 J in steps of 0.25 J. The intensity producing a moderate pain sensation rated 5 or 6 on a 10-point r

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

1Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responsesto noxious laser heat stimuli.Andrej Stancak. Stephanie Cook. Hazel Wrigh

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