The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

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Nội dung chi tiết: The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI deciare that this submission is my work and, except where due reference is made; (his dissertation contains no material previ

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial marketsiously published or written by another person(s).This dissertation does not contain material extracted in the whole or part from the dissertation or r

eport presented for another degree or diploma in University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city or any other educational institution.44927Pham Thi Ngoc Dung The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTFirst of all, I would like to express my best gratitude to Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao and Dr. Le Dat Chi, who helped me with th

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

eir valuable mentorship during my dissertation stages for many years at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. 1 also would like (0 thank all t

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI deciare that this submission is my work and, except where due reference is made; (his dissertation contains no material previ

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial marketsFinance and Banking) and my university (Ton Due Thang University) for providing me with an opportunity to pursue a Ph.D. In addition, 1 also express m

y gratefulness to all of my colleagues in my faculty who support my work at Ton Due Thang University when I conduct my dissertation.Most importantly, The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

this dissertation is dedicated to my family. They help me in providing encouragement as I work to complete my dissertation.Pham Thi Ngoc DungivTABLE O

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

F CONTENTACKNOWLEDGMENT.....................................................HiTABLE OF CONTENT...................................................ivLIS

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI deciare that this submission is my work and, except where due reference is made; (his dissertation contains no material previ

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets....................................................ixABSTRACT OF THE THESIS..............................................XCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....

.........................................I1.1Research Background...........................................11.2Research context....................... The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

.......................31.2.1The adoption of cryptocurrency in Asia emerging countries.31.2.2The impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic on the financi

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

al market.61.3Research objectives and scope................................111.3.1Research objectives......................................111.3.2Rese

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI deciare that this submission is my work and, except where due reference is made; (his dissertation contains no material previ

The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets...................................131.6The research contributions...................................141.6.1Theory contribution.......................

...............141.6.2Practice implications....................................181.7Dissertation structure.......................................19CHA The financial contagion effects of the global covid 19 pandemic evidence from fintech and traditional financial markets

PTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................202.1Definitions................................................20

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI deciare that this submission is my work and, except where due reference is made; (his dissertation contains no material previ

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI deciare that this submission is my work and, except where due reference is made; (his dissertation contains no material previ

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