ielts partnership research paper 1

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ielts partnership research paper 1

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1g deliveryA preliminary comparison of test-taker and examiner behaviourFumiyo Nakatsuhara, Chihiro Inoue, Vivien Berry and Evelina GalacziIELTS•• BRIT

ISH•• COUNCILỲ irln nnCAMBRIDGE ENGLISHExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferenc ielts partnership research paper 1

ing delivery A preliminary comparison of test-taker and examiner behaviourThis paper presents the results of a preliminary exploration and comparison

ielts partnership research paper 1

of test-taker and examiner behaviour across two different delivery modes for an IELTS Speaking test: the standard face-to-face test administration, an

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1idge English Language Assessment and IDP: IELTS Australia.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully gratefully acknowledge the participation of Dr Lynda

Taylor for the design of both Examiner and Test-taker Questionnaires, and Jamie Dunlea for the FACETS analysis of the score data; their input was very ielts partnership research paper 1

valuable in carrying out this research. Special thanks go to Jermaine Prince for his technical support, careful observations and professional feedbac

ielts partnership research paper 1

k; this study would not have been possible without his expertise.Publishing detailsPublished by the IELTS Partners: British Council. Cambridge English

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1ndividual researchers and do not represent the views of IELTS. The publishers do not accept responsibility for any of the claims made in the research.

How to cite this paperNakalsuhara. F., Inoue. C.. Berry, V. and Galac/i, E. 2016. Exploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 spea ielts partnership research paper 1

king test: face-to-face and video-conferencing delivery. A preliminary comparison of test-taker and examiner behaviour. ICLTS Partnership He.sean^i Pa

ielts partnership research paper 1

pers, 1. IELTS Partners: British Council, Cambridge English Language Assessment and IDP: IELTS Australia. Available at https://www.ielts.ortVteachinq-

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1nguage Assessment, and IDP: IELTS Australia - are pleased to introduce a new series called the IELTS Partnership Research Papers.The IELTS test is sup

ported by a comprehensive program of research, with different groups of people carrying txjl lhe studies depending ielts partnership research paper 1

Some ol lhal research relates Io the operational running ol Hie lesl and is conducted by the in house research team at Cambridge English Language Asse

ielts partnership research paper 1

ssment the IELTS partner responsible for the ongoing development, production and validation of the test. Other research is best carried Olli t>y those

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1 the IH IS Joint Funded Research Program, whore research on topics of interest arc independently conducted by researchers unaffiliatod with IELTS. Out

puts from this program are externally peer roviovzod and published in tho ICLTS Research Reports, which first camo out in 1999. It has reported on mor ielts partnership research paper 1

e than 100 research studies to dale — with the number growing every few months.In addition to 'internal' and 'external' research, there is a wide spec

ielts partnership research paper 1

trum of other IELTS research: internally conducted research for external consumption; external research that is internally commissioned; and. indeed,

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1ership Research Papers, so that relevant work on emergent and practical issues in language testing might be shared with a broader audience.We hope you

find the studies in this series interesting and useful.About this reportThe first refXKt in the IẼLTS Partnership Research Papers series provides a g ielts partnership research paper 1

ood example ol the collaborative research in which the IbLIS partners engage and which is overseen by the IELTS Joint Research Committee. The research

ielts partnership research paper 1

committee asked rumiyo Nakatsuhara, Ch hiro Inoue (University of Bedfordshire). Vivien Berry (British Qiuricil) and f-velitia Galac/i (Cambridge Engl

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1livery - latxỉ-lo-lace and inlernel videu-ixinlerencing. I he resulting Study makes an important contribution to the broader language testing world fo

r two main reasons.First, the study helps illuminate the underlying construct being addressed. It is important that test tasks arc built on dearly des ielts partnership research paper 1

cribed specifications. This specification represents I tie develofjer's interpretation ol lhe underlying ability model - in oilier words, ol the const

ielts partnership research paper 1

ruct Io he tested. We would therefore expect that a candidate would respond Io a tost task in a very Similar way in terms of language produced, irresp

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1in the language a candidate produces. It can be deduced that the delivery mode is affecting behaviour. That is. mode of delivery IS introducing constr

uct-irrelevant variance into the test. Similarly, it is important to know whether examiners behave in the same way in the two modes of delivery or whe ielts partnership research paper 1

ther there are systematic differences in their behaviour in each. Such differences might relate, for example, to their language use (e.g. how and what

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type of questions they ask) or to their non-verbal communication (use of gestures, body language, eye contact, etc.).Second, this study is important

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

ielts partnership research paper 1eir score or grade, and so it is vitally important to reassure them, and other key stakeholders, that the scoring system works in the same way. irresp

ective of mode of delivery.The current study IS Significant as It addresses in an original way the effect of delivery mode (face-to-face and tablet co ielts partnership research paper 1

mputer) on the underlying construct, as reflected in test-taker and examiner performance on a well-established task type.

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

2016IELTS PartnershipResearch PapersExploring performance across two delivery modes for the same L2 speaking test: Face-to-face and video-conferencing

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