The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593 Specialist, University of South Florida Sarasota ManateeRestaurantFROM CONCEPT TO OPERATIONTo Donald Lundberg, PhD, my mentor, colleague, and friend D

on was admired and respected in the hails of academia as a scholar and pioneer of hospitaity and tourism education.And to you. the professors, student The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

s, and future restaurant owners, wishing you success and happiness.Pilotos were taken by tile autlmr unless otherwise noted.Tills Ixxik is |xi tiled I

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

WI acid free paper. @Copyright Ỡ 2014. 2011. 2008 by John Wiley & Sous. Inc. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley & Sorts. Inc.. Hoboken. New J

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593 any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as pertnilled under Section 107 or 108 of lire 1976 United

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The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

equests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., I I I River Street. Hoboken. NJ 07

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593 hor have used their best efforts in preparing this lxx>k. they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of t

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The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

tion. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other c

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593 emics and professionals for review purposes only, for use in their courses during the next academic year. These copies arc licensed and may not be sol

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For general information on our Ollier pnxlucls and services, or technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United State

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593 ome content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our website al www.wilcy.

com.Library nf Caitgmt Cataloging-Iit-Puhlicatian IkitaWalker. John R.. 1944The restaurant : from concept to operation / John Walker. Seventh edition. The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

pages cmIncludes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-1-118-62962-8 (hardback)1. Restaurant management. I. Title.TX9I I.3.M27W352 2014647.950

The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation (Seventh Edition)41593

68—dc232013018940Printed in lite United States of America10987654.32 IContentsPreface ix

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

JOHN RA L K E RRestaurantFROM CONCEPTPERAĨIONJOHN R. WALKER, DBA, CHA, FMPMcKibbon Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Management and Fulbright Senior S

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