ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al m Kang, Hyunkee Ahn, Kate Yaw and Soh-Yon Chung•• BRITISH w iHr» 5 Cambridge Assessment•• COUNCIL Ia p w EnglishIELTSInvestigation of relationships be

tween learner background, linguistic progression, and score gain on IELTSThis project investigated to what extent IELTS test performances changed over ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

a period of three months. It further examined how learner background variables affected linguistic progress and band score gains on IELTS.FundingThis

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

research was funded by the ICLTS Partners: British Council. Cambridge Assessment English and IDP: IEI IS Australia. Grant awarded 2018.Publishing det

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al o commercial re-use. I be research and Ufxriions expressed are ol individual researchers and do nol refxesenl the views ol IH IS. The publishers do no

t accept responsibility for any of the claims made in the research.How to cite this reportKang, o.. Aim, H., Yaw. K.. and Chung. S-Y. (2ÍI21.) InvesIi ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

galKin ol relationships between learner trackground, linguistic progression, and score gain on IH I s. ICLTS Research Reports Celine Series. No. 1. Br

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

itish Council.Carntiridge Assessment English and ll)P: IH IS Australia.Available at hnpsyAYWY/.icits.prtt'ìcactúnq and rcscarchfrcscarch

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al s (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English), as part of the IELTS joint-funded research program. Research funded by the

British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia under this program complement those conducted or commissioned by Cambridge Assessment English, and together ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

inform the ongoing validation and improvement of IELTS.A significant body of research has been produced since the joint-funded research program starte

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

d in 1995. with over 120 empirical studies receiving grant funding. Afler undergoing a process of J>eer review and revision, many of the studies have

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al in the IM TS Research Rtyxjrfs. Since 2012, Io facilitate timely access, individual research reports have been made available on the IELTS website imm

ediately after completing Itie peer review anti revision process.I he slutiy described in this refxxl looks al the irrifxirlanl relaliiKiship tjelween ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

IH IS test preparation, score gains arid tangible learning outcomes. It took a mixed method approach Io explore the impact of learner background, tar

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

get tarxjuage use and hours of study on progress: research was conducted over a three month period. Monitoring the development of linguistic features

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al not encourage learning and development of English language proficiency as part of the preparation process, it would arguably rxjl be fulfilling a key

part ol ils role. Major lesls bear the responsibility to ensure that, through their design and consequent positive washback. students arc ex(>eded Io ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

work IK1 English language skills that will tie essential lor them tieyond the lest ilsell; tie it fix a university context or fix a working environmen

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

t, Furthermore, il is important to monitor student progress throughout the preparation stage, in order to determine txrw best Io prepare candidates to

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al ing the implications of learner background variables on this is a particularly welcome addition to Itie IM IS ftesearch Httporl series. Simply pul. pr

eparing for IELTS is about considerably more than achieving a desired test score, and this study highlights Illis notion.So. what were (tie findings t ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

hat emerged from tlirs research? Over the course ol lire three month period in focus, the average overall score gain for candidates was found to be sl

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

ightly under trait a band (0.3). However, many participants (60%) did make notable score gains (moving up by either 0.5 of a band, or a full band Over

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al g - for which minimal tangible gams were reported. Hours of study and proficiency level were found to be potential predictors of these score gams. Of

additional interest was that spoken fluency was found to be the most improved linguistic feature over time.www.ielts.orgIELTS Research Reports Online ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

Senes 2021/13These findings support earlier work (Elder Ậ Loughlin, 2003: Green, 2007) which investigated score gains in similar test preparation cont

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

exts, also finding that gains may be mcdest but discernible over a short period such as this. As this current report also examines linguistic developm

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al reparation progress. Additionally, it provides useful insights for researchers and teachers who are interested in looking beyond the scores themselves

into the learning process, and which factors may help or hinder candidates’ development. The evidence suggests that ICLTS is facilitating learning an ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

d is doing so in conjunction with other factors - factors which are important to continue to explore.The results of this study go some way to answerin

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

g the charge that test preparation is all about score gains, and Io highlight that the reality IS considerably more nuanced than that. Score gains Wit

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al ut limited Io achieving txarxl scores, Forming additional positive study habits and increasing linguistic development arc equally important as the sco

res themselves. The fact that each of these aspects is inextricably linked is a reassuring finding indeed.Tony Clark ielts rr 2021 1 kang et al

2021/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesInvestigation of relationships between learner background, linguistic progression and score gain on IELTSOkim

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