ielts rr volume04 report6

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts rr volume04 report6

ielts rr volume04 report6

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6ieran O’ Loughlin University of MelbourneAbstractThis exploratory study examines the relationship between intensive English language study and band sc

ore gains on the BELTS (International English Language Testing System). Specifically, it investigates the progress of a sample of 112 students from no ielts rr volume04 report6

n English-speaking backgrounds enrolled in intensive English language courses at one of four different language centres in Australia and New Zealand.

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Progress is gauged in terms of score gains on the academic module of the BELTS which was administered al the beginning and end of a 10-12 week period

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6rviews were conducted with a subset of 18 students sampled according to their level of gain at the post-test session. Interviews were also conducted w

ith adminisữators and teachers at each of the participating institutions in order to elicit information about a) the learning environment and b) the f ielts rr volume04 report6

actors they saw as critical in determining the English language progress of EAP (English for academic purposes) students in general and of those chose

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n for in depth interviewing in particular. Data were analysed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Regression analyses were undertaken to

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6gains on the IELTS over the thrcc-month period. In addition, narrative vignettes were produced for the sub-set of 18 students drawing on their own sel

freports, as well as information supplied by their teachers. The results revealed that students made variable progress in English during the three mon ielts rr volume04 report6

th period with an average gain of about half a band overall. The greatest gains were in listening, whereas reading skills were somewhat less amenable

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to improvement. A range of factors were found to be linked to improved scores on the test, but these varied considerably from one skill to another. Im

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6enues for further research are also identified.IIELTSrrọlUi tor Wrr-.-nm-x CpporfcrrtyPublishing detailsInternational EnglishLanguage Testing System (

IELTS)Research Reports 2003Volume 4Editor: Robyn TullohIELTS Australia Pty LimitedABN 84 008 664 766Incorporation in the Australian Capital TerritoryW ielts rr volume04 report6

eb:©2003 IDPJELTS Australia.This publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of pnvate study, research or cri

ielts rr volume04 report6

ticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act. no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6lder and Kieran o 'LoughlinJ.o IntroductionThis exploratory study examines the relationship between intensive study in English for academic purposes a

nd band score gains on the CELTS (the International English Language Testing System) with the aim of identifying issues for further research. It invol ielts rr volume04 report6

ves an investigation into the progress of a sample of 112 NESB (non English-speaking background) students enrolled in intensive English language cours

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es at one of four different language centres in Australia and New Zealand. This project is therefore one of many applied linguistics studies which tac

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6rs from many of these in that it is concerned not with long term achievements or ultimate attainment but with the degree of English language improveme

nt learners make over a 10-12 week study period. In this case progress is gauged in terms of score gains on the academic module of the IELTS test, whi ielts rr volume04 report6

ch was administered at the beginning and end of the studyperiod.The CELTS test is a high stakes selection test used to measure the English language pr

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oficiency of NESB students intending to study at a tertiary institution. It is made up of four different subtests: Listening, Reading, Writing and Spe

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6 overall score which is the average of these results. The minimum score requừed by different tertiary institution varies with most universities requir

ing a minimum of 6 or 6.5 for undergraduate study and 7 for postgraduate study.The popularity of IELTS as an admissions tool has grown dramatically ov ielts rr volume04 report6

er tile past decade, with tertiary institutions in Australia and New Zealand requiring a particular score on CELTS for entry for both international st

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udents and. in some cases, for permanent residents who have been in the country for a limited amount of time. CELTS is generally preferred in Australi

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6 of private and tertiary providers offering “user pays” pre-sessional courses of study geared either directly or indirectly to preparing students for

the test (sec Read & Hayes [2001] for an account of the teaching operations linked to the use of this test in New Zealand).Issues of test use, test im ielts rr volume04 report6

pact and test fairness are now attracting considerable attention in the field of language testing. There is a growing body of research focusing on the

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values underlying the tests, including the rationales and intentions for introducing them (c.g. Hawthorne 1997, Spolsky 2001), the respective rights

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

ielts rr volume04 report6ests convey (e.g. Shohamy 2001) and the intended and unintended effects and consequences which tests have on education and society and (eg. Messick 19

81; 1989, Wall, 1997). ielts rr volume04 report6

I6. Investigating the Relationship between Intensive English Language Study and Band Score Gain on IELTSCatherine ElderUniversity of AucklandíIIIIIIKi

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